Weather App

Developed using:

HTML5, CSS, Javascript, VS code
Analog clock

Developed using:

HTML5, CSS, Javascript, VS code

Developed using:

HTML5, CSS, Javascript, VS code

Note: This is a Google chrome extension

Todo App

Developed using:

HTML5, CSS, Javascript, VS code

Developed using:

HTML5, Bootstrap, PHP, MYSQL, VS code

Note: This is my final year project

Khaur Travels

Developed using:

HTML5,, C#, Service base database of visual studio, Visual studio 2022
Transport Management

Developed using:

C#, Service base database of visual studio, Visual studio 2022
Digital Signature

Developed using:

Python, Pycharm
Event Organization

Developed using:

Solidity, Blockchain Technology, Remix Etherem IDE